48 Belgrave Square

Markham, ON L6C2T6

43.891326, -79.297906

Updated 09/07/2024

This is your official Property Page


See below for details.


• Legal Surveys (SRPR) available: 0
• Registered & Reference plans available: 1
• Other files available: 0

• Easement report: Available
• Seller’s report: Available
• Buyer’s report: Available

Official Property Page - 48 Belgrave Square

Are you buying or selling this property? Are you in a boundary dispute and need help? Are you renovating or building?

We've pulled together data from multiple official sources for you, and presented it in ways that are easy to understand and use, so you can make better, more informed decisions... faster. Whether you’re building a new addition or defending your property line from your neighbours, this is your one-stop source for all land-, boundary- and title- related information for this property.

Downloadable Survey Plans

No plans of this type found.

Registered & Reference Plans

These plans will not show you where a building is located. If you are unsure if this type of plan will work for you, please contact our customer service team.

Price: $95
Plan date: N/A
Type: Registered
Total price includes:
Statutory Fee ($5), ELRSA Fee ($10), PIN-Plan Index Fee ($5)

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Additional Downloadables

The files below should only be purchased if you have consulted with a professional and/or a member of our customer service team. They are not refundable.

No additional downloads found.

Easements & Right-of-Ways



Easements/Right-of-ways Detected: 0

How do we know?

This property may be subject to rights and restrictions benefitting other properties and/or parties, and have access rights over one or more neighbouring properties. 
What does this mean?

Notice: The above information does not constitute a legal opinion. Read full disclaimer here.

Easement Report for 48 Belgrave Square

Our comprehensive expert analysis and explanation of easements on this property. Includes the Parcel Register and original easement Instruments on title. Reports will require 2-3 business days to complete.
See a sample report here.

Seller's report



Seller's report for 48 Belgrave Square

Selling this property? Boundary-related issues have become a high-risk topic for sellers. Avoid the pitfalls and protect yourself from trailing liabilities with the customized Seller’s Package for 48 Belgrave Square.

This Report Includes:

  • Parcel Register (official property document from Province of Ontario).
  • Full Legal Description of property.
  • Easement Instruments (official documents from Province of Ontario).
  • Registered Subdivision (survey) Plan for property.*
  • Plain English explanation of easements, liens and encumbrances.
  • The PYB Official guide to the BoundaryWise™ listings.
  • Seller’s Resource Guide.
  • Report does NOT include a full survey (SRPR).
  • Optional: verify property area (square footage)
  • Reports will require 2-3 business days to complete
View sample package here.
*When land hasn't been subdivided, a registered plan (subdivision plan) will not be available.

Buyer's report



Buyer's report for 48 Belgrave Square

Looking to buy this property? 49% of residential properties in Ontario have hidden boundary issues and 99% of fences in the GTA are NOT on the property line.

Get the Buyer’s Package for 48 Belgrave Square to help you make a sound and risk-free buying decision.

This Report Includes:

  • Parcel register (official property document from Province of Ontario).
  • Easement Instruments (official documents from Province of Ontario).
  • Plain English explanation of easements, liens and encumbrances.
  • The PYB Official guide to evaluating and researching a property.
  • Report does NOT include a full survey (SRPR).
  • Optional: verify property area (square footage)
  • Reports will require 2-3 business days to complete
View sample package here.

Official Parcel Register

Statutory fee: $9.35
ELRSA fee: $23.30
Mapping fee: $5
PYB surcharge: $5

Parcel Register for 48 Belgrave Square

A Parcel Register is a document that provides you with information about a property's ownership and history. Information on the Parcel Register comes from the province's land registration system, which is administered by the Land Registry Offices (LRO).

A Parcel Register is typically used in real estate transactions by real estate agents, mortgage brokers and lenders:

  • Parcel Identification Number (PIN).
  • Legal Description.
  • Land Titles Status.
  • Owner Names.
  • A list of Instruments registered against the property (ex. Charge, Transfer, Transfer Easement*, Liens)

*A Transfer Easement will only be referenced on a Parcel Register if an easement has been registered on Title against the property. Further, an easement may be registered on Title but its description may be contained in the Transfer document.

Professional surveying services

Get Your Property Surveyed (from $6000)

Arrange for a new, certified land survey for this property. We offer competitive rates and guaranteed completion times.

Talk to a Surveyor (from $450)

Do you need to speak with a professional Land Surveyor about a particular issue? Our certified Ontario Land Surveyors are available via phone, Skype or in person.

Other Land Surveying Services

Protect Your Boundaries is a full-service Ontario Land Survey firm specializing in residential and commercial projects. Call us at 1-289-459-0210 to see how we can help you.

Learning materials